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      當前位置:首頁 > 新聞動態 > 闊葉類木本觀賞植物識別與應用——落葉喬木類
      [來源:原創] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-01-12] [瀏覽次數:]
      識別要點:落葉喬木,小枝粗壯,頂芽大。葉大,葉集生枝頂,長圓狀倒卵形,先端急尖或圓鈍,背部有彎曲毛及白粉,側脈整齊明顯,托葉痕延至葉柄中部以上?;ù?,白色,聚合蓇葖。果卵狀圓柱形?;ㄆ?—6月,果期8—10月。 Identify key points: deciduous trees, branchlets stout, crown. Leaves large, yeji branches, oblong-elliptic, obovate, apex acute or obtuse, back with curved hair and white powder, lateral veins neat and clear, stipular scars extended to more than petioles. Flowers large, white, aggregate follicles ellipsoid. Fruit ovoid cylinders. Flowering 4 - June, fruiting 8-10 months. 生態習性:喜光,幼樹耐陰,喜溫涼濕潤的氣候及排水良好的酸性土壤,不耐嚴寒酷暑、多雨及干旱。宜播種繁殖。 Ecological habits: hei, young trees resistant to Yin, thermophilic cool moist climate and well drained acid soil, no cold summer, rain and drought resistance. Seeds breeding. 觀賞特性及應用:花大姿美,潔白芳香,葉大蔭濃??勺魍ナa樹、觀賞樹及園路樹。孤植、叢植。 Ornamental characteristics and application: spend big appearance beautiful, fragrant, white leaves the shadow of big thick. As a court shade trees, ornamental, and the garden trees. Solitary planting, clump planting. 2、二喬玉蘭(朱砂玉蘭、紫砂玉蘭、凸頭玉蘭) 2, 2 yu-lan qiao (vermilion yulan, violet arenaceous yulan, convex head yulan) 識別要點:落葉小喬木,小枝紫褐色。葉互生,有時呈螺旋狀,倒卵形至卵狀長橢圓形,先端圓寬,平截或微凹,具短突尖,全緣。背面葉脈上有柔毛?;ㄧ姞?,大而芳香,外面呈淡紫紅色,內面白色?;ㄆ?月先葉開放;果期9月。 Identify the point: small trees, leaves branchlets maroon. Leaves alternate, sometimes spiraling, obovate to ovoid elliptic, apex rounded, wide flat cut or slightly concave, with short acuminate, margin entire. On the back of the villous on veins. Flowers bell-shaped, large, fragrant, is lavender red outside and white inside. March first flowering leaves open; Fruiting in September. 生態習性:喜光,耐旱性和耐寒性較強。嫁接、扦插或播種。 Ecological habits: like light, with a strong drought resistance and cold resistance. Grafting, cutting, or planting. 觀賞特性及應用:花苞豐滿,花大色艷,盛開時皎潔晶瑩,燦爛奪目,觀賞性強,是城市綠化的極好花木。廣泛用于公園、綠地和庭園等孤植觀賞。 Ornamental characteristics and application: bud plump, spend big color bright, in full bloom when the bright glittering and translucent and bright is dazzing, entertaining, is a great flowers and trees to urban greening. Widely used in parks, green space and garden solitary planting ornamental. 返首頁:www.sorensendy.com
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