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      當前位置:首頁 > 新聞動態 > 園藝類花種暢銷季
      [來源:原創] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-05-15] [瀏覽次數:]
      經歷2015的極寒天氣,春潮將喚醒幾乎沉寂的花花綠綠,2016年開春將迎來一年一度的花草銷售旺季,家庭園藝中的多年生草本花卉,景天科多肉植物以及傳統的球根花卉將成為今年開春的熱門品種。 Experience 2015 cold winter weather, spring tides occur will awaken the splash of colour are almost silent, spring will usher in 2016 annual sales season of flowers and plants, perennial herbaceous flowers in home gardening, crassulaceae meaty plant as well as the traditional bulb flowers will become this year's spring popular varieties. 每一個園藝類的商家都有一種意識:春回大地,喜歡花草的人又該補倉了!而且2015年冬天的極寒天氣讓不少多年生的草本花卉遭受重創,尤其長三角地區,部分花友的寶貝花草幾乎全軍覆沒。其次是多肉植物,同樣受極寒天氣的影響,由于花友的取舍,景天科成為受傷最嚴重的一種。這是目前花友夠買意向最強烈的兩個種類。 Every garden-type business has a sense that people who love flowers and plants will be able to fill their positions again. And the extreme cold of the winter of 2015 has taken a toll on many perennial herbs, especially in the Yangtze river delta, where some flower friends are almost completely wiped out. It is also influenced by extremely cold weather, which is the most serious injury due to the choice of friends. This is the two most strongly intended for the current spending group. 此外,傳統的春季花卉同樣會迎來銷售高峰,球根類勢必成為熱門品種,春百合、水仙花、郁金香等都將成為花友陽臺上必不可少的一員。 In addition, the traditional spring flowers will also sales peak, the ball root class is bound to become a popular varieties, lily, daffodils, tulips and other spring will become friends and flowers on the balcony one essential. 返首頁:www.sorensendy.com
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