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      當前位置:首頁 > 新聞動態 > 移栽大樹分類
      [來源:來自網絡] [作者:不詳] [日期:24-01-09] [瀏覽次數:]

      From the characteristics of seedlings, green seedlings can be roughly divided into the following types: trees and shrubs, transplanted large trees, cuttage seedlings, tree stumps and bonsai, bamboo plants, vines, herbaceous flowers, grass seeds, afforestation seedlings, new excellent fruit seedlings, and seed seedlings.
      Classification of Trees and Shrubs: Fa Tong, Guo Huai, Huo Huo Shu, Qian Tou Chun, Luan Shu, Wu Jiao Feng, Zhan Shu, Bai Wa Shu, Hong Ye Liu, Robinia pseudoacacia, August Gui, Hong Guo Dong Qing, Palm, Cinnamomum camphora, Xi Shu, Long Jiao Huai, Yu Shu, Bai Yu Lan, Ginkgo biloba, Yang Mei Gu Zun, Si Si Gui, Gui Hua, Potted Rose, Hong Fen Mu Gu Zun, Jin Ye Ligustrum, Ying Chun, Hong Rui Mu, Xiao Ye Ligustrum, Gua Zi Huang Yang, Jin Si Tao, Shi Da Gong Lao, Long Bai Octagonal golden plate, tea plum, sprinkling golden cypress, red leaf heather, etc.
      Classification of transplanted large trees: red fruit holly, osmanthus, camphor, red maple, waxberry, purple myrtle, common oak, elm, soapberry, coptis chinensis, papaya, etc.
      Classification of cutting seedlings: Golden border boxwood cutting seedlings, Golden leaf Ligustrum lucidum cutting seedlings, Ziwei cutting seedlings, Dangui cutting seedlings, Red leaf Photinia cutting seedlings, Rhododendron sinensis cutting seedlings, Red stepwood cutting seedlings, Red leaf Berberis cutting seedlings, Rose cutting seedlings, etc.
      The classification of tree stump bonsai: Taiwan Lohansong stump, Lohansong stump, Hongjimu stump, crape myrtle stump, etc.
      Classification of bamboo plants: Phoenix tail bamboo, tung bamboo, mottled bamboo, Phyllostachys pubescens, green bamboo, rigid bamboo, purple bamboo, four season bamboo, bamboo, etc.
      Vine plant classification: ivy, fufang vine, ivy, climbing plum, rose, lingxiao flower, wisteria, etc.
      Herbal flower classification: Swallowtail, Ophiopogon japonicus, White Scallion, Red Scallion, Violet, Beauty Cherry, Yellow Flower Beauty Banana, Red Flower Beauty Banana, etc.
      Classification of turfgrass species: United States No.2, Tianquan No.1 (rooftop grass), Fojia Grass, Taiwan Qing, Mani, Bermuda, Four Seasons Green, Heavenly Grass, Dogtooth Root, etc.

      国内另类 自拍 亚洲欧美,一级国产自偷自拍,亚洲之国产欧美自拍,亚洲 另类 自拍 小说 图片 (function(){ var bp = document.createElement('script'); var curProtocol = window.location.protocol.split(':')[0]; if (curProtocol === 'https') { bp.src = 'https://zz.bdstatic.com/linksubmit/push.js'; } else { bp.src = 'http://push.zhanzhang.baidu.com/push.js'; } var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(bp, s); })();