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      當前位置:首頁 > 新聞動態 > 柏樹類苗木歸于植物中抗病才能較強的一種。
      [來源:來自網絡] [作者:不詳] [日期:24-01-02] [瀏覽次數:]

      柏樹類苗木歸于植物中抗病才能較強的一種。對于大竹縣呈現立枯病的柏樹林,必需求全部加強相應防治辦法的施行,別的,還要確保好柏樹類苗木的成長環境以及加強對柏樹辦理的資金和人力的投入。柏樹立枯病的防治是一項綜合性的系統,需求很多資源的投入。當前,國內用于柏樹類苗木立枯病的防治辦法首要有物理防治、化學防治和生物防治3種。這3種防治辦法各有特點,在實踐使用中,要依據實踐需求將3種防治辦法聯系起來,才干到達立枯病的最佳防治效果。   1、栽培用地的科學挑選及土地改進   栽培用地的挑選。在進行柏樹栽培用地的挑選時,最佳挑選前茬是柏樹類苗木的育苗地,盡量防止挑選之前栽培國薯類、菜、瓜等植物的土地。柏樹類苗木的育苗地中會留存很多的菌根菌類微生物,而柏樹類苗木的根部會與菌根菌發作共生表象,菌根菌會推進養分的分化,增大柏樹類苗木對養分的吸收,推進柏樹的成長。這會使柏樹的根系壯大,減小立枯病的發作。   土地改進。立枯病的病原菌首要來源于土壤,因而,需求對土壤進行改進和消毒,這樣能夠有用防治柏樹類苗木立枯病的發作。首要,大概增施基肥,為柏樹類苗木發明一個適合成長的環境,這樣能夠推進苗木根系的成長,進步對病原菌的反抗才能。然后,需求使用化學辦法對土壤進行消毒處置,通過消毒之后,基本上能將土壤中殘留的病原菌殺滅,為柏樹苗木供給一個杰出的成長發育環境,對土壤進行消毒是柏樹類苗木育苗成功率的有用確保。   2、科學耕種   依據柏樹類樹苗的成長周期,在進行柏樹類樹苗耕種時,能夠選用地膜的辦法對麥苗進行掩蓋,還能夠挑選適合的時刻提早進行柏樹的耕種作業,這樣能夠使柏樹類苗木當年的成長期延伸,進步柏樹的成長量。一般當白日的平均溫度在15℃左右時,較為適合進行柏樹的耕種作業。假如溫度過低,簡單發作腐芽病害;相反,假如溫度過高,這簡單燒苗。別的,柏樹類麥苗的耕種深度或許要進行合理的挑選。耕種時,一般挑選條播辦法,合理操控麥苗的間隔間隔,能夠為麥苗供給較好的成長空間。在種子耕種后要在土壤外表掩蓋0.5cm左右的沙層,這樣能夠使麥苗的根部能夠輕松的成長,為麥苗的成長發明杰出的環境。
      Cypress seedlings are classified as a type of plant with strong resistance to disease. For the cypress forests in Dazhu County that are experiencing wilt disease, it is necessary to strengthen the implementation of corresponding prevention and control measures. In addition, it is also necessary to ensure a good growth environment for cypress seedlings and strengthen investment in funds and manpower for cypress management. The prevention and control of cypress wilt disease is a comprehensive system that requires a lot of resource investment. Currently, there are three main methods for preventing and controlling the wilt disease of cypress seedlings in China: physical control, chemical control, and biological control. These three prevention and control methods each have their own characteristics. In practical use, it is necessary to link the three prevention and control methods according to practical needs in order to achieve the best prevention and control effect of the disease. 1. Scientific selection of cultivation land and land improvement selection of cultivation land. When selecting land for cypress cultivation, it is best to choose the previous crop as the nursery for cypress seedlings, and try to avoid selecting land that previously cultivated Chinese potatoes, vegetables, melons, and other plants. The nursery of cypress seedlings will retain a lot of mycorrhizal microorganisms, and the roots of cypress seedlings will exhibit symbiotic behavior with mycorrhizal fungi. mycorrhizal fungi will promote nutrient differentiation, increase the absorption of nutrients by cypress seedlings, and promote their growth. This will strengthen the root system of cypress trees and reduce the occurrence of wilt disease. Land improvement. The primary source of pathogenic bacteria for wilt disease is soil, therefore, it is necessary to improve and disinfect the soil in order to effectively prevent the outbreak of wilt disease in cypress seedlings. Firstly, increase the application of base fertilizer to create a suitable environment for the growth of cypress seedlings, which can promote the growth of the seedling roots and improve their resistance to pathogens. Then, it is necessary to use chemical methods to disinfect and dispose of the soil. After disinfection, residual pathogenic bacteria in the soil can be basically eliminated, providing an excellent growth and development environment for cypress seedlings. Disinfection of the soil is a useful guarantee for the success rate of cypress seedling cultivation. 2. Scientific cultivation is based on the growth cycle of cypress seedlings. When cultivating cypress seedlings, plastic film can be used to cover the wheat seedlings, and suitable time can be selected for early cultivation of cypress trees. This can extend the growth period of cypress seedlings in the current year and improve their growth rate. Generally, when the average temperature during the day is around 15 ℃, it is more suitable for cultivating cypress trees. If the temperature is too low, it can easily cause rot and sprout disease; On the contrary, if the temperature is too high, it simply burns the seedlings. Additionally, the cultivation depth of cypress wheat seedlings may need to be selected reasonably. When cultivating, it is generally recommended to choose a strip sowing method and control the spacing between wheat seedlings reasonably, which can provide better growth space for wheat seedlings. After seed cultivation, a sand layer of about 0.5cm should be covered on the surface of the soil to allow the roots of wheat seedlings to grow easily and create an outstanding environment for their growth.

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